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Seminario EIN - Winning back trust: Steps for the financial sector - Berlino 2014

Seminar of European Ideas Network and centre-right Think Tanks and Political Foundations in Europe: Berlin, 20 – 21 march 2014 EIN Seminar.

Il Responsabile dell’Ufficio Studi Alessandro Stefano Barbina ha partecipato per Fondazione ResPublica all’EIN Seminar a porte chiuse tenutosi a Berlino lo scorso 20–21 marzo e presieduto dal Ministro delle Finanze tedesco Wolfgang Schaeuble.

Tema dei due giorni di lavori: “Winning back trust: Steps for the financial sector”. Ecco alcune delle questioni trattate nel corso dell’evento: Effective resolution or structural reform – which answer to ‘too-big-to-fail’?” In the aftermath of the financial crisis, a lot has already been achieved through an ambitious regulatory response aiming to improve the resilience of financial markets in Europe. The new framework on bank recovery and resolution as well as the debate around bank structural reform are intended to provide an answer to the too-big-to-fail problem. What are the practical implications and which further steps may be needed?;

Ethics and the financial industry – (how) does it go together?Recently, there has been a lot of debate about the role of the financial industry and its ethic responsibility in the world economy. This panel intends to scrutinize the plethora of voices and to provide a critical assessment on the way ahead.

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