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EIN Seminar - “What values should Europe promote in the world?” - Brussels

This seminar held in Brussels on 16 February 2009 considered some of the underlying reasons behind the current economic and social crisis by considering the place of values in the current debate and in the global community.

Stefano Riela, Fondazione ResPublica, discussed Economic and Social Values, whilst René Leray, Professor of the Institut d’Etudes Européennes, focused on question of peace and human security.

The wider global context was considered in more detail by Nicolas Tenzer, Director of CERAM, who outlined the key long term factos of influence of Europeans in the world, and Erna Hennicot-Schoepges MEP, who analysed the importance of a dialogue of cultures.

Jan Olbrycht MEP and Inigo Mendez de Vigo MEP looked at the political and governance dimension.

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